In the media

Reducing Health Inequalities for People Living with Frailty

This report, by Friends, Families and Travellers, shares practical recommendations and examples of how commissioners, service providers and health, care and support staff can successfully overcome barriers to healthcare for people at greater risk of frailty, including people experiencing deprivation, people who are homeless, people from Gypsy and Traveller communities, and more. We were delighted […]

Training with Creative English – laughing our way to better English!

One of our Creative English license holders, The Ascension Paradise Garden in Salford, wrote an amazing blog on their experiences of running a Creative English class. Our group has undergone quite a few changes over the last 6 months with many new participants joining and becoming volunteers – so we decided it was time to […]

What is the cost of welcoming refugees?

“And I have a sharp pain here,” I say, pointing to my shoulder. I’m mid-explanation of my symptoms to the woman in the white coat in front of me. I’m taking part in a role play with a learner, modelling how a conversation with a doctor may go, anticipating the usual mix of useful language […]

Stories of Success

You know that old platitude ‘the smallest things make the biggest difference’? Well, who’d have known that the key to confidence lay in a pair of shoelaces! One learner from our hub at Gascoigne Primary School has reported the immense satisfaction she felt at being able to go into a shop and ask for shoe […]

Meet the Volunteers

Here’s what some of our volunteer facilitators have to say about their own journey with Creative English! Tahmeena ‘I just want to say thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to do this. It has pushed me out of my comfort zone and given me so much confidence.’ Former court clerk turned stay-at-home […]

Developing A Risky Practice: Teaching and Facilitating – Reflections of a Creative English Trainer

This notion that the leader needs to be ‘in charge’ and ‘know all the answers’ is both dated and destructive… Fear leads to risk aversion. Risk aversion kills innovation. — Peter Sheahan in Brené Brown’s ‘Daring Greatly’ In my first few weeks as a teacher in a private English language school in Italy, the Assistant […]

Volunteers Share Their Experiences

Writing on the Department of Communities and Local Government’s Learn English Tumblr, our trainer Charlie and two of our amazing volunteers share their experiences with teaching on the programme. Read more on Learn English here

Family Learning shortlisted for prestigious award

We are pleased to announce that our Creative English Family Learning programme, currently running in Dagenham, has been shortlisted for a British Council ELTons 2016 award for local innovation. This marks the second time that our innovative methods of help local families learn English has been recognised by the British Council in as many years! […]

Barking and Dagenham Post

Creative English is again mentioned in the Barking & Dagenham Post, when local charity Community Resources for Change received £65,000 from BBC Children in Need to run a Creative English Family Learning course of the local community. The article features programme creator, FaithAction’s own Dr Anne Smith PhD. The full article is available online here.

Creative English in the Guardian

On Tuesday 8th December, Creative English was featured in the Education section of The Guardian. Focusing on the support that the the programme has given to refugees, the article looked at the barriers that are put in placed by a lack of English language. You can read the article over on The Guardian HERE.

The Telegraph and Argus

In 2014, Bradford’s Telegraph and Argus reported on a visit made by Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon to a Creative English class run by Tresom, as part of a tour of local projects empowering people through language skills. He met with Creative English creator, FaithAction’s Dr. Anne Smith, and spoke with learners at the class. Of […]

Easton and Lawrence Hill Community Newsletter

The Creative English class run by Easton Jubliee in Bristol was featured in a community newsletter in May. The informal style of learning in this class makes it easy for people to access. Anab Mohamud from Somalia had also lived in the UK for nine years and has previously found it hard to progress in […]

Barking and Dagenham Post

In October, a reporter from the Barking and Dagenham Post visited the Creative English class at Castle Point in Dagenham, where he also met with programme creator Dr. Anne Smith herself. An article was featured in the 7th October edition, featuring some words from Anne and from a number of learners taking part in the […]