Christ Church Sparkbrook

We have 23 learners on our records this year and an average class is between 6-9 people. All our learners are female[…]. We are finding the majority of our learners are attending the course in order to build up their confidence when out in the community, although two ladies were attending to  work towards their citizenship test. Because of the range of cultural backgrounds within the group – Pakistani, Chinese, Yemeni, and Bangladeshi – what is apparent is how this course is a great platform for building community cohesion; and we are seeing the learners come along to other events we  provide to help build community.

Last Monday we worked Contacting the Emergency Services from the Term 2 booklet. We invited the local police to this session since it would help introduce the ladies to the police and help build reassurance if they ever needed to make contact; something which they otherwise may have found intimidating.   Not only did the police come and provide safety advice and awareness but they also participated in some of the role play. It was really good fun and at the end of the session all the ladies agreed that they felt more confident in the event of an emergency and keeping themselves safe.

During the summer we will hold an award ceremony for those who have participated which I will keep you informed as we would be delighted for you to attend.